Editor: Brian Fox
Book reviews: Beverley Curran, Hiroko Ikeda
Annual bibliography: Shotaro Yamauchi


David Burleigh

Duncan McColl Chesney

Beverley Curran

Kazuhiro Doki

Andrew Fitzsimons

Brian Fox

Hiroko Ikeda

Yoriko Kitagawa

Tetsuko Nakamura

Masami Nakao

Jane O’Halloran

Joseph S. O'Leary


Journal of Irish Studies is the publication of IASIL Japan, its members and their guests.
The Journal aims to document studies in Irish literature and its contexts. Situated in Japan
and supported and produced by a broad constituency of Japanese and foreign scholars, writers and readers,
the Journal offers special scholarly perspectives on Irish studies.
All articles are independently peer-reviewed before publication.


Journal of Irish Studies welcomes the submission of manuscripts related to topics
within the aims and scope of the journal. Contributors should send articles for consideration together
with a short biographical note to Brian Fox, Editor, as an MS Word attachment.

The deadline for submissions to the Journal of Irish Studies (JIS), Vol. 38, is 25 February 2024. This is earlier than normal in order to be ready for the main IASIL conference in August 2024, which is being held in Japan. After this, the submission deadline will revert to 25 April as normal.


Please send English-language books for review to Prof. Beverley Curran
Japanese-language books for review should be sent to Prof. Hiroko Ikeda

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION by Institutions and REQUEST for Back Issues

Journal of Irish Studies is available for subscription by institutions.
At present, the annual subscription fees are ¥2000 per copy plus mailing charges for overseas orders.
Please download and fill in the following form, and post or e-mail it to the Secretary, Prof. Yuri Yoshino.

Orders for back issues may be made by using the same form.
Back issues are ¥1000 yen per copy plus mailing charges for overseas orders.
Please note that back issues are of limited availability.
Subscription Form in MS WORD format (40KB approx).
Subscription form in PDF (250KB approx).

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